The Lag and the Catch Up

Have you ever crammed for a test? Or overloaded yourself with information on a subject you were trying to master? You study for hours on end trying to learn the concepts and remember them. And then you take the test and you find you haven’t actually mastered all the ideas. Maybe you get an...

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Advice To Myself

Be your own champion. No one is gonna fight harder for you than you will fight for yourself. Understand that a setback is not the end. It’s a chance for you to know your worth and to forge ahead. Things that come easy tend to come back and bite you in the ass. You...

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Light And Noise

I have light and noise all day. I like dark and quiet at either end of it. Sometimes we say things without thinking and then realize how poignant they are. It’s not surprising that I like dark and quiet in the morning and again at night. Most mornings I’m reluctant to have the sun...

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The urge to call you to tell you something silly The longing for your hugs Or to sit in a quiet room with you But more likely watching Chopped and listening to you say crazy things at the tv You had a sick sense of humor when you wanted to I think of all...

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The Peace We Create

I did some yoga tonight. My mind was very active the whole time. Worrying about the basement renovation. Parenting. Work. So many different thoughts were swirling around in my head. But I kept moving. Kept breathing. Kept listening for the cues. At the end of the class the instructor said something about letting ourselves...

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What Do I Need?

I had a sort of epiphany today. I had a tense moment the other night. I was washing dishes and everywhere I turned there was mess. The counters. The food scrap bin. Cheerios on the floor. And I had just cleaned the entire kitchen a couple days earlier. As I scrubbed the dishes I...

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Touching Lives

I learned of a friends passing today. Life’s events can feel so fleeting. As if we are only tethered to the earth by gravity and nothing else. And without it we may simply float from place to place leaving no roots behind. But that’s not accurate. It isn’t only gravity that holds us. It...

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What Hurts Now Helps Later

When my mom was little she was playing near my grandmother (her mother) while she was ironing clothes. My mom was being nettlesome and kept trying to touch the iron and my grandmother kept telling her no. “You’ll burn yourself.” In spite of the warning my moms little arm kept darting out attempting to...

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