Time To Live My Truth

Synchronicity shows up when we least expect it. This past weekend two things happened which have me reflecting on my writing and my life. And something I realized was that it’s time to live my truth. First, I had the chance to chat with a friend and former athlete who is also a writer....

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Roosevelt Island

When I lived in DC I rowed at Potomac Boat Club. My favorite spot to row was behind Roosevelt Island. We usually didn’t do a lot of rowing back there since our group of scullers was quite large at times. But in the afternoons, which were primarily on my own it was my go...

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Do You Miss It

People ask me if I miss coaching. When I stopped rowing in 2012 people asked me the same question. Do you miss it? The answer is no. And it sounds weird and harsh to say that but it’s not because I’m callous and don’t care. If I missed coaching or rowing I would still...

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The Call

I can feel it still. I see video of myself rowing when I was in my prime. I can feel the impulse, the rhythm, the power. I don’t row much at all anymore. I’m on the water coaching too many hours of the day to have the energy to get out and put in...

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