Thoughts On Pace

Shortcuts Innovate or die Yes, the journey, but Keep up the pace Deliver Bogged down by manual labor Columns and rows, static Why bring something to life If you can create life elsewhere Wish lists Dreams The urgent and necessary course of animation Create something magical Forward, forward, forward...

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Random Thursday 

Rolling through stop signs Slow down a hole Leaves are like soggy wheaties Walking behind me Good morning No thank you but fine Get your stuff done earlier so you can enjoy your walk Hip swing like a cowboy Weird waiting patterns at the bus stop Human animals Men taking up space as usual...

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Easy Chair 

It’s 5:49 am. The dog got up to let me know she’s ready for a walk and breakfast. I’m ready for neither. But I’ll go. Last week words felt like they were exploding out of me and it felt good. This week I feel tired and uninspired. Ebb and flow. Free and costly. Easy...

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