The Peace We Create

I did some yoga tonight. My mind was very active the whole time. Worrying about the basement renovation. Parenting. Work. So many different thoughts were swirling around in my head. But I kept moving. Kept breathing. Kept listening for the cues.

At the end of the class the instructor said something about letting ourselves be in the peace we just created. And it really struck me how profound that statement was. I’d spent thirty minutes in different poses, focusing on my breathing, and simply allowing my mind to be active. But not being consumed by any one thought as I so often can be during the day. The persistence of movement kept me from dwelling.

So often, especially the past few months, I have felt so unsettled. So worried. So tired. But in those thirty minutes in my new office, on beautiful new carpet, with a gorgeous sliding door closed in front of me, I created peace for myself. I was able to move away from chaos and chaotic thinking and towards clarity, calmness, and compassion.

My life is the same. My worries are the same. But I was able to experience peace in the midst of a very full and often chaotic life.

I guess it was just a moment of clarity. Realizing that there are so many things I can’t control. But one very big thing I can. Myself, and how I show up in the world. That I have the power to create my own peace. And so do you. Hugs.

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